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Home Inwestycje Legnicka 33


Legnicka 33

The centre of your life

See how much Wrocław can offer you!

Wrocław, Szczepin


Number of rooms

27.4-38.2 m2

Floor area of apartments


Number of floors


Available offers

Art gallery Art gallery
Beauty parlour Beauty parlour
Bus stop Bus stop
Petrol station Petrol station
Hospital Hospital
Museum Museum
Park Park
Playground Playground
Post office Post office
School School
Supermarket Supermarket
Train station Train station
Zobacz film

Legnicka 33

Location matters

Legnicka 33 is an 11-storey building located only 10 minutes from Wrocław Market Square, which will offer you a full range of city entertainment. From the nearby public transportation stops you can easily get to any point on the map of Wrocław. Don't waste your time in traffic jams and start living the way you like.

Legnicka 33

Convenience comes first

In the area of Legnicka 33 you will find all necessary shops and services, and only 2 tram stops away– there is a large shopping centre! On the first floor of the building we have located service points, so you can satisfy your most urgent needs right away. If you are a student or an employee of Zachodnia Oś Biznesu offices, I have good news: you won't get any closer!

Wybierz dwa kółka

Ścieżką rowerową spod inwestycji dojedziesz do pracy, Rynku i jeszcze dalej…

Korzystaj z miejskich atrakcji

Spotkania ze znajomymi, kino, restauracje – zobacz, co oferuje Ci Wrocław.

Zawsze w biegu?

Jako mieszkaniec Legnickiej 33 będziesz miał czas na realizację swoich pasji.

Bądź w centrum wydarzeń

Żyj spontanicznie – niespodziewany wypad na miasto to zawsze dobry pomysł!

Legnicka 33

Why you should live here

3 km from the Market Square

3 km from the Market Square

Excellent communication with the city center

Excellent communication with the city center

Universities and offices nearby

Universities and offices nearby

Services on the ground floor

Services on the ground floor

Underground parking

Underground parking

Bicycle paths

Bicycle paths

Search for apartment


10 20 35

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questions? Call us!

+48 732 202 756

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